Tuesday, August 26, 2014

biology final assignment

Post a brief paragraph describing why you chose your Research Topic

I decided to research Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) because we are going to be health care providers, it is a very common pediatric disease and because I have a personal experience with the subject. Also, despite having been diagnosed with JIA when I was little, I felt like I knew very little about the disease. My research was very interesting because the etiology, pathogenesis and potential cure(s) remain a mystery to physicians and researchers.  My hope is that as I continue to study Chinese medicine, my understanding of JIA will evolve. 

biology week 12 assignments

 Should “parents take a more active role in designing their children’s immunization schedule”? 

The vaccine schedule for children aged 0-6 approved by the CDC, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Academy of Family Physicians recommends 25 shots in the first 15 months of life. These 25 shots are recommended because amongst other diseases they immunize against pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, mumps, measles, rubella, rotavirus, polio, and hepatitis B.
The alternative and selective vaccination schedules aren't reviewed or approved by the CDC. However, some parents opt to change the schedule or not vaccinate at all because of a variety of concerns. The most compelling argument that I have heard is the concern that the ingredients in the vaccines are toxic and may compromise the heath of a child. For example ingredients in vaccines include the following:

Preservatives and stabilizers: Since 1968 the United States Code of Federal Regulations (the CFR) has required, in general, the addition of a preservative to multi-dose vials of vaccines.
Thimerosal: an ethylmercury based preservative.
Formaldehyde: may be used as an antimicrobial.
Adjuvants: Aluminum has been used in some vaccines for over 75 years to improve the vaccine's performance by helping to stimulate the body's immune system to produce antibodies.
Egg Protein: If your child has had an allergic reaction to eggs or egg products, you should be sure to discuss this with your child's doctor.

While I believe that vaccinations are a public heath issue, I also think that the state and state agencies should not have any control over people’s bodies.  Especially in the case of parenting and vaccinations. I do not believe that the CDC or the state has the interests of the public when making recommendations. If parents are seeking to wait or not vaccinate I fully respect their choice to make their own decision.

Would you support making vaccination programs “compulsory”? 

No, but especially not under the sate and in the context of a capitalist cultural/ economic system. The state’s interest in ‘protecting’ the bodies of its citizenry are only to serve the interests of the state.


Sunday, August 24, 2014

biology week 11 assignment

How would you prioritize the reintroduction of the American Bison?

From the articles that we read I believe that the ones best suited to lead the reintroduction of the American Bison are the indigenous people that co-inhabit the land. The United States encouraged a policy of genocide against the indigenous peoples by means of momentarily and militarily encouraging the decimation of the bison. The only role that the state ought to play in the reintroduction of the American Bison is to finance the entire endeavor in an act of paying reparations to the native peoples and taking accountability for its genocidal actions.


 “World breaks temperature record for June after hottest May”  Are we doing enough to reduce global warming?

Short Answer. NO.

Until we have completely stopped fossil fuel extraction and consumption we have not done enough. Until industrial food production is completely replaced by the local sustainable growing of food we have not done enough. So long as we actively or passively support centralizing power structures, such as the state or economic systems which value accumulation and consumption we will not have the capacity to do enough. 

biology week 10 assignment

What do you think about the “eight-point Deep Ecology Platform”?

I think it would be difficult not agree with the sentiments of the Deep Ecology Platform. I really appreciate the first principle; “The well-being and flourishing of human and nonhuman life on Earth have value in themselves. These values are independent of the usefulness of the nonhuman world for human purposes.” This principle is incredibly oppositional to our dominate western cultural value system which determines worth through a narrow market-minded framework. 
Perhaps the 8 principles just fall a little short of identifying how the diversity of the environment contributes to the realization and survival of human life. The principles seem to be lacking in the ability to reconcile humans as part of an ecological system - to which we are dependent. The platform also has a tone (at least in my opinion) that suggests that humans have an individual moral obligation to adhere to the principles, but not a dependency. Sometimes I wonder if the illusion of the "modernized world" gives us a false confidence in our ability to sustain life beyonds the planets capacity. 

Can you explain why “Ecosystems are both strong and fragile”?

The fragility and interdependency of an ecosystem is precisely that which makes it strong. Meaning that its interdependency allows for an ecosystem to support various life forms, adapt, transform, generate new life forms, etc.. However, that interdependency also makes ecosystems vulnerable to collapse- if one aspect is threatened, the entire system is threatened

Friday, August 22, 2014

biology week 9

How do you feel about western approaches to HIV/AIDS?

I think I am very ignorant to western approaches to HIV/AIDS. I have to admit that I feel entirely unqualified to have much of an opinion on this issue. My lack of knowledge, like so many others, is the result of the fact that sex education in the United States was and continues to be abhorrent in most of the country. When I was in high school the sex ed was based on abstinence-only curriculum, we did not learn about condoms or birth control. It is entirely my responsibility to inform myself, but I think it is also important to recognize that our ignorance to preventative approaches limits the manner in which we seek to find cures.

HIV and AIDS remains taboo and our approaches to the infection and syndrom remain treatment focused. Unfortunately, treatment relies entirely on the antiretroviral drugs which are patented and ridiculously expensive.  

 Are we overly reliant on the expectation of the development of a "cure" for HIV?

I think that we are overly reliant on the development of a "cure" for HIV. It seems to take away from a public heath care approach. I would imagine that if we invested equal resources into HIV and education we would have far few people infected. Additionally, if we de stigmatized sex work, drug use and “risky” sexual practices, I bet we would see far less people contracting HIV.