Sunday, July 13, 2014

biology week 6 assignments

How would you distinguish between living and non-living systems?

Instead of examining phenomena by attempting to break things down into singular organisms, a general living systems theory examines phenomena in terms of the patterns of the relationships of organisms within their environment.
Living systems are open self-organizing systems that have the special characteristics of life and interact with their environment.  A non-living thing or system is one that lacks or has ceased displaying the characteristics of life- the capability for growth, reproduction, respiration, metabolism, and movement. Additionally, living systems are dynamic and are capable of of responding to stimuli or evolve and adapt to their environment. Examples of non-living things are rock, water, and sun.

"DNA doesn't determine race. Society does" Would you agree?

Race is not biological, race is a social construct. Race is ontologically subjective, but epistemologically objective. It is ontologically subjective in that the construction and continued existence of ‘race’ is contingent on society and the collective agreement, imposition, and acceptance of the construction of the concept itself. However, race is very real in society and has different meaning that shifts through history, geography and culture. In the United States the dominant group in society (Whites) has imposed the boundaries of group membership by falsely defining race in terms of biology. If you are a person of color, then you are biologically inferior to a white person.
Individuals do not perpetuate racism or the concepts of race independently. Structures, Institutions and social systems including our medical system, legal system, prison system, educational system, etc. perpetuate the logic of race and racism.

After our disscusion in class i thought it was also important to post the links below.

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