Post your thoughts on
how we view animal intelligence?
The belief that humans (or as I like to call us, manimals)
are the most significant species on the planet is amazingly human centric.
Unfortunately, this as the dominant perception for the last several centuries
in the western world has left our imagination and perception stunted by shallow
anthropocentrism. This is not to say that when I watch the newest you tube
video of cats taking care of human babies that I don't get all weepy eyed! It
is exciting to learn how we are similar- biologically and socially to other
species. I love learning that we have memories like elephants and enjoy
physical humor like orangutans.
Below is a funny little graphic I came across (of course, we
occupy the center of the graphic).
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classmate's blog
@ Jessie
I just want to know why we don’t "need” wings. Even if all we go were a cute
little pair of fruit fly wings- i bet my standing asanas would be so much easier
if I had the assistance of wings to hold me up.
I'm certainly no yogi, but let your kidneys be your wings. Life spread and fly